Freedom is defined as liberation or restraint from the power of another. Nina Simone described freedom as "having no fear." Toni Morrison says that "the function of freedom is to free someone else." To me, freedom is an ongoing journey, it's something we have to pursue daily, moment by moment, bit by bit.
One year ago, I published my very first book, Radical Self-Love: A Self-Love Workbook. I wrote this book while going through a difficult time. I was a new law school graduate, I'd just studied for months and taken the July bar exam, and I was relocating over 10 hours away from most of my family and friends to "start my life." Chile, within 1 month of moving into this new city, I new that I would have to make some major changes, as things were not working out how I'd expected them to. I did not have a job, was struggling to pay my bills, and I felt super isolated from everything and everyone. I also was not getting the support or even "lifestyle" that I'd thought I have.
New Beginnings
Around October, I started a new job at a law firm. I'd recently found out that I failed the Louisiana Bar Exam, by two points! I'd gone through an appeal process, where I wrote/pleaded for some of my answers to be considered. While I was praying and believing for this appeal, I did not get it. Usually in times like this, I am surrounded by love, from my family and close friends, but this time I was berated by my partner at the time, and made to feel less than because I did not pass the bar exam on the first try, like he did. I felt like I wasn't enough, despite knowing all the work and time that I'd put in. This law school grad had decided to do something different and was heavily applying to jobs, legal jobs, media jobs, and I got very serious about redefining what Radical Self-Love looked like for me in real-time.
The Writing Process
People often ask "how was the writing process?" For me, the book was written and came from my personal diary/journal entries. I have always been drawn to how writers like Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, and Audre Lorde (to name just a few of my favorites) wrote the work that we know today. I like to write in comfy clothes, usually sitting on the bed or couch. I also prefer to write in spiral notebooks and/or college ruled journals or the ones with no lines at all. I also write through whatever I am going through. This is a generational lesson that had been passed down to me from my granny to my mommy and then to me. My granny always encouraged (or made me) write a paper after every experience I had, whether that was a family vacation we'd just gotten back from, or some academic success at school. I really have tapped into that, and at this point, I was just trying to find me again, and love me, and find my voice.
One Year of Radical Self-Love
Whew, whether you've been with us for a while or are brand new, a radical self-love is loving yourself despite. Loving yourself thoroughly and fully and wholly. It is being very intentional about being mindful about how your body is feeling and how it is reacting to those feelings.
If you know me, I’m always preaching about loving yourself and doing it radically. This time, I took my own advice, and bet on myself in a way that I had not done before. I released my first book, Radical Self-Love: A Self-Love Workbook, and within one day it was a #1 new release.
This year, I have really been working to heal and get to know myself again. Something or things that I learned while writing this book and while living out this book, healing is not linear. At the beginning of the year, I moved into a new apartment and got a new puppy (I have been wanting a puppy for so long, y'all). I started therapy again and I increased my antidepressants to help with my depression and anxiety. Chile, that alone was a game changer for me! More on bad b*tches on antidepressants later, promise. Anyway, I have been taking mindful walks, stretching my body and getting back into my exercise routines thanks to @Peleton, their app, which you can try for free using my link (you're welcome). I've also been spending time with my village, and they've been loving on me and speaking life into me.
Now, as I am stepping into my light and reclaiming my power, I am so proud of where I've been but most importantly who I am becoming. I have found that in these difficult parts of our lives, the valleys, is where the magic happens. It's where we grow closer to God, where we get new insight and redirection. So, here is to the Radical Self-Love Movement! Here's to loving yourself despite, loving yourself fully, and listening to your body and yourself. You got this! ✨
With lots of love,